Journals and Conferences
Journals and Conferences
최우수, 우수학술회의 목록 (link)
[최우수 학술대회] AAAI, CVPR(oral, spotlight), ECCV(oral, spotlight), ICCV(oral, spotlight), ICML(oral, spotlight), KDD, NeurIPS(oral, spotlight, poster)
[우수학술대회] ACCV, AISTATS, BMVC, ICLR(oral, spotlight), IJCAI, MICCAI, MLSys, CVPR(poster), ECCV(poster), ICCV(poster), PKDD
Journal Citation Report (JCR) (link)
AI 분야 JCR, 2021 (link)
학술지 등급, 2019, 고려대 분류 (link)
Domestic Conferences
Domestic Conferences
한국정보처리학회 :
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Course List
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Course List
awesome-domain-adaptation by zhaoxin94
awesome-domain-adaptation by zhaoxin94
AI conferences
AI conferences